

NII検索 検索条件 和洋区分 図 書 雑 誌
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1Intersubjective communication and emotion in early ontogeny / edited by Stein Brten ; hardcover. -- Cambridge University Press, 1998. -- (Studies in emotion and social interaction ; Second series).図書
2Dynamics of relationships / edited by Steve Duck ; pbk.. -- Sage Publications , 1994. -- (Understanding relationship processes series ; v. 4).図書
3The cognitive bases of interpersonal communication / edited by Dean E. Hewes.. -- (The LEA's communication series.).図書
4Organizational communication / R.Wayne Pace, Don F.Faules.. -- 3rd ed.. -- Prentice Hall .図書
5Communicating social support / Terrance L. Albrecht, Mara B. Adelman, and associates..図書
6Communication and the human condition / W. Barnett Pearce. ; alk. paper, pbk.. -- Southern Illinois University Press .図書
7Communication and medical practice : social relations in the clinic / David Silverman. ; pbk.. -- Sage Publications .図書
8Equivocal communication / Janet Beavin Bavelas ... [et al.]. ; pbk.. -- (Sage series in interpersonal communication ; 11).図書
9Personality and interpersonal communication / edited by James C. McCroskey and John A. Daly. ; pbk.. -- (Sage series in interpersonal communication ; v. 6).図書
10The Psychology of tactical communication / edited by Michael J. Cody and Margaret L. McLaughlin. ; pbk.. -- Multilingual Matters . -- (Monographs in social psychology of language ; 2).図書
11Interpersonal communication / Sarah Trenholm, Arthur Jensen. ; pbk..図書
12Intimates in conflict : a communication perspective / edited by Dudley D. Cahn.. -- (Communication).図書
13Bridges not walls : a book about interpersonal communication / edited by John Stewart.. -- 5th ed.. -- McGraw-Hill .図書
14Life-span communication : normative processes / edited by Jon F. Nussbaum. -- 1989. -- (Communication textbook series ; . Applied communication).図書
15Inter-act : using interpersonal communication skills / Rudolph F. Verderber, Kathleen S. Verderber ; : pbk. -- 5th ed. -- 1989.図書
16Communicative styles of Japanese and Americans : images and realities / Dean C. Barnlund. -- 1989.図書
17The practice of questioning / J.T. Dillon ; : pbk. -- Routledge , 1990. -- (International series on communication skills ).図書
18Nonverbal behavior in interpersonal relations / Virginia P. Richmond, James C. McCroskey, Steven K. Payne. -- 1987.図書
19Talking with your aging parents / Mark A. Edinberg. -- 1st ed. -- Shambhala , 1987.図書
20Social skills in interpersonal communication / Owen Hargie, Christine Saunders, and David Dickson ; pbk.. -- 2nd ed. -- Croom Helm, 1987.図書






